Community Life
“Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” – George Washington
An important concept in ancient Greece was that of paideia, a word meaning both education and culture, which conveys a sense of the symbiotic relationship between education and community. The ancient Greeks had a holistic understanding of education — paideia was not confined to the teacher-student relationship, but was informed by art, music, architecture and by every facet of the tradition in which children were raised. SGCA recognizes the importance of education in the formation of a healthy culture and endeavors to cultivate a sense of civic duty in our students. To become leaders within their communities, it is vital that students understand the unique structure of our democratic republic. A virtuous citizen must embrace the responsibilities placed upon them, and appreciate the rich history and traditions of the United States of America, particularly given the integral role citizens of the greater Boston area played in its formation.